Spiritual Development and
Holistic Reiki Courses
Designed Just For You
The key to Living exceptionally is a combined effort of Human, Soul and Universe
Our Courses
​Everything we do is designed to empower you to live more exceptionally than you ever have before, in charge, in certainty, and in love with a meaningful life... no matter what is going on in the world!
When you join us for any course or workshop you will benefit from decades of experience and knowledge that will greatly enhance your life on so many levels.
You will achieve a deep understanding of your energy self, why you are here, and how you were absolutely Born For This... all offering you new found self confidence, the ability to connect with higher guidance from Universe, Spirit and Soul, and a new awareness of life opportunities that are not only available to you, but are yours to grab with both hands.
You will gain a profound understanding of spirit and the universe, how it works and your place within it. You will gain a bigger picture of what is happening in the world, and how to gracefully and successfully negotiate challenges, enabling you to feel peaceful, and certain, no matter what.
There is so much incredible information to dive into within our courses, and here is how...
We don't separate our Born For This Reiki Training days from our Personal and Spiritual development days, and here's why... Reiki is a beautiful Therapy (find out more about our Born For This Reiki System Here) that's primary focus and teachings were always based in Self Care and Personal and Spiritual Development. In modern day teachings much of this has got lost along the way and the focus has become more 'therapy' based. As experienced Therapists and Accredited Therapy Teachers we know that all areas hold equal importance in order to tap into your own spiritual wisdom for personal development, and also to become a truly competent and confident therapist.
So... if you love what we offer in our amazing Spiritual and Personal Development Course Modules (but don't want to learn Reiki) then you get to dive into all that incredible information on your day with us. If you want to learn Reiki you attend the Spiritual and Personal Development Course Modules plus the additional Reiki training modules (and that combination = superstar Reiki Therapists).
Whatever you choose, we promise you the most fascinating, eye opening, magical adventure, that will leave you in awe of your life, and full of joy and gratitude for the possibilities that come into vision :)
We have 5 courses available that run in sequence, take a look, we think you will love everyone of them!
Katie and Elisabeth x